models_for_plating_the_bottom_of_a_lake models_for_plating_the_bottom_of_a_lake models_for_plating_the_bottom_of_a_lake models_for_plating_the_bottom_of_a_lake
Model for Plating the Bottom of a Lake with a Song
Plaster, birch plywood, paint, ink
Model for Plating the Bottom of a Lake with a Sunset
Silicone, birch plywood, paint, video projection (1'58" loop)
This piece provides two models for ‘plating the bottom of a lake’ as artworks in landscape. Maybe heroic, romantic, or absurd, although they are habitually connected, these field works are only shift-materialized (bouncing ink as reflecting sound, an artificial sunset that does not set) in the partially realized models. Nonetheless, the nonconcreteness of the materials (a song, a sunset) chosen for the act of plating still accentuates the superfluousness of any actual realization. Esoterically stringed together through certain shapes and elements, the components also break one boundary of the idealistic and enter another of the metaphysical.
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