bony_horseman bony_horseman bony_horseman bony_horseman bony_horseman bony_horseman bony_horseman  bony_horseman bony_horseman bony_horseman bony_horseman bony_horseman bony_horseman bony_horseman bony_horseman
  Bony Horseman (2024), linocut on paper, worm-eaten wood, brass nails, 8.5 x 4.5 x 8.5 in Sausage Angel (2024), hand-carved pine, stainless steel, resin, 11 x 6.25 x 1.5 in Bony Horseman – Three Stories (2024), video with sound, 2’27”, rear projection on frosted glass, dimensions variable Bony Horseman Before Bony Horseman (2024), glue and watercolor on paper board, 27.5 x 18 in Bony Horseman (2024), video with sound, 15’37”, CRT TV monitor, media player, speakers, office furniture and supplies, beer can, candle, plants, texts on whiteboards, round magnets, stick, nails, rusted horseshoe, dimensions variable            
Bony Horseman
28/07/24-02/08/24. De Liceiras, Porto
  Cavaleiro Espinhoso – Três Histórias  
  Nos meses de verão, o Porto está envolvido pela fragrância inebriante das flores do ligustro que adornam a cidade. Um cavaleiro, encantado pelo aroma doce, percorre incansavelmente as ruas, seguindo o cheiro trazido pela brisa. O cavalo colapsa de exaustão e o cavaleiro perde o olfato.  
  O cavalo caído atrai enxames de vacas-loiras, que brandem as suas enormes mandíbulas no ar. Para proteger o cadáver do cavalo, o cavaleiro corta a sua própria carne e faz salsichas para alimentar as criaturas.  
  "Cavaleiro Espinhoso" é um nome que se dá à savelha em alguns lugares, um peixe anádromo com muitas espinhas. Eles migram do mar e sobem os rios de água doce, para desovar quando atingem a maturidade sexual. Este peixe iridescente tem uma fileira de cinco a sete manchas escuras dos lados, que desaparecem após a morte.  
  Bony Horseman – Three Stories  
  In the summer months, Porto is enveloped in the intoxicating fragrance of wax-leaf privet flowers that adorn the city. A horseman, enchanted by the sweet scent, tirelessly roams the streets, following the aroma carried by the breeze. The horse collapses from exhaustion, and the horseman loses his sense of smell.  
  The fallen horse attracts swarms of stag beetles, their enormous mandibles brandishing in the air. To protect the horse's corpse, the horseman cuts off his own flesh to make sausages to feed the creatures.  


"Bony Horseman" is a nickname for the twaite shad, an anadromous fish with numerous fine bones. They migrate upstream from the sea to freshwater rivers to spawn when they reach sexual maturity. This iridescent fish has a row of five to seven dark spots on their flanks, which fade away after death.

Ride with Bony Horseman, a horse-human-fish hybrid.
A shad dashes into the mouth of Douro River.
Charting its colorful skin and scales under a microscope.
A typical office needs a divine experience.
Bathe in outright noise music.
Pulsate like a bad heart.


Voice: fisherman and tackle shop owner Júlio Pesca
Portuguese text: translated by Moru Xu, edited by Carlos Azeredo Mesquita
Sound: partially recorded at Douro Breakwaters designed by cprata arquitetos
Font: Escritura designed by Ricardo Santos

This project is generously supported by De Liceiras, Snarte Space, and the Canada Council for the Arts.  
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